Chapter 46 - Reyr's Return

Kastali Dun

Claire had already searched Talon's tower, Reyr's chambers, the royal library, and the practice grounds, looking for Reyr. She traipsed about the keep, her own guards trailing behind her, no doubt annoyed. Talon's tower had been entirely empty, except for his servants. And Reyr's chambers had been recently disturbed, with evidence of his arrival. But Reyr himself was nowhere to be seen.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

He hadn't come to see her. He hadn't even told her he was back—a simple thought that took seconds. Even though he had no problem doing the same with Talon; she'd heard their short conversation upon his return. It was as if he didn't want to see her.

She was tempted to reach for him with her mind, but shook her head at the idea. He hadn't bothered to do the same, so why should she? No, she preferred to speak to him in person, preferably before everyone was gathered that evening.

A knot formed in her stomach. Was he still upset with her for not choosing him? The thought of him behaving coldly was frightening. Maybe he really didn't want to see her. She tutted, annoyed with herself. She shouldn't have gone searching for him.

She rounded the corner to the Hall of Kings and stopped so abruptly one of her guards walked right into her. A flash of golden hair caught her eye, disappearing into Talon's tower. "Apologies, my lady."

"It's fine, Connor," she said, hardly aware of her words. Her heart hammered against the walls of her chest. He was there—Reyr was there! She took a deep breath, lifting her skirts, and took off down the hall, swift steps carrying her right to Talon's tower door.

"Back again?" Aaron eyed her.

"Was that Reyr?" She gazed at the door as if she could see through it.

"Aye. What of it?"

Relief mixed with apprehension warmed her skin. "Let me pass. I need to speak with him."

They gazed at her a long moment before uncrossing spears and permitting her entry. She stepped through the doorway and paused in the entryway. The door clicked behind her.

Reyr stood in the main room near the fireplace. He was dressed in a fresh change of clothes, a forest green tunic and beige pants, with boots of brown leather that came halfway up his calf. The sight of him—after all this time—pulled the breath from her chest.

He whirled to face her. His eyes widened. "Claire?"

"Reyr!" It came out as a strangled gasp. She ran across the room and flung herself into his arms. He groaned under the impact, but wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her against him. "You're back!" she whispered into his hair.

He chuckled and set her down, holding her at arm's length, inspecting her. She did the same, studying his appearance, looking for signs of harm. His face was the same as she remembered, only now it was etched with deep lines of grief. "Reyr, I'm so sorry," she whispered, throwing her arms around him again. "So, so sorry. For everything." Her voice cracked as she spoke.

"I know," he whispered. "I am too." A long silence followed, where they simply held each other. "It's good to see you, Claire" he said at last as he pulled away.

The sincerity of his words pierced her heart. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "I've been looking for you for nearly an hour, you know. You didn't tell me you'd returned. Did you...did you not want to see me?"

He opened his mouth before frowning. "I did. I do. I just believed you wouldn't want—" He cleared his throat. "I thought you might still be upset with me for—"

"I'm not! I'm not upset. Not at all." She grimaced, thinking about what had happened that night. "All I could think about was what I said—about never forgiving you for leaving. I felt awful—I feel awful. I shouldn't have shamed you like that. It wasn't fair of me. You were right—what you said about me being selfish." Her chest crumpled. "It wasn't something a true friend would do. That's not the person I want to be." She took his hand in both of hers. "I should have been more understanding. Can you...can you forgive me?"

He huffed. "Claire, I forgave you the moment you said it."

Her heart galloped. " did?" He nodded. "I didn't deserve that. But...thank you."

"You weren't the only one who said things you weren't proud of that night. I never should have..." He ran a hand through his hair—the same habit Talon did when he was agitated. She almost smiled, wondering who had learned it from whom? "I should not have forced you to make a choice like that. It was dishonorable and unfair. I hated myself for it afterward. But you understand why I had to leave?"

"I...Yes." She squeezed her eyes shut briefly. "Are you better? Are you...okay?"

He sighed. "My heart is a wreck. No. I'm not okay. I do not know if I will ever be." He hesitated. "Talon and I spoke briefly when he was near the Scattered Islands, a few days ago I think. We didn't have much time—our words were brief. He told me that when you saw Kane's plans during your mission, you forced your party to turn north to save me. To save us."

She nodded. "I did. I tried." Her throat constricted. "But it wasn't enough."

His face fell. " wasn't enough." His words dropped off as he was reminded of his brother's death. "But it was better than nothing," he said at last. "You gave us a chance, Claire. A fighting chance. I just wish we..." He sighed. "There's no use in dwelling on what might have been."

She still held one of his hands in hers, unwilling to let go. She squeezed it. "I wish there was something I might say to make things better for you. Seeing you like this..."

It hurt.

He ran a thumb across her cheek. "Knowing you care is enough."

She nodded. "I missed much." The words almost came out as a sob.

His face softened. "I missed you too."

"Is Talon going to be angry with you for running away? You've been gone for weeks."

"Angry?! At me?" He offered her a dazzling smile in true Reyr fashion, as if he could do no wrong. Though, it didn't reach his eyes. "No. He is too good for that. You should give him more credit—give him a chance. You two aren't still at each other's throats, are you? You've been behaving yourself? I worried that if I left, chaos would break loose between you. I know how he gets under your skin."

"I..." Her heart skipped because Reyr didn't know. Of course he didn't. He hadn't been around to see the time they had been spending together, or hear the rumors flying about. Rumors of their closeness, of some wicked affair going on between them. "Talon and I...we don't fight any more. He is a good male. A good Drengr. And an even better king. Better than we all deserve."

Reyr offered an exaggerated gasp, stunned, and clapped his chest like he'd been shot with an arrow. "Okay, where's Claire and what have you done with her?" She smiled back at him. "You're being serious, then? Here I thought you hated him. What's brought about this change of heart?"

She chewed on the inside of her cheek, contemplating. "Reyr, I should tell you..."

The words stuck in her throat. How would he react? Would this news hurt him?

He frowned, perhaps sensing her inner struggle.

She cleared her throat. "Ahh...there's something you should know."

"Another piece of information from the Queen of Secrets?" He arched an eyebrow, but she could see the desire and curiosity lurking behind his eyes.

She laughed out of nervousness. "Queen of Secrets...Perhaps that's better than Queen of Dragonwall. Assuming I accept the role." Her eyes lifted to meet his. "Talon and I...we...we're..."

There was a long pause and then—"No..." Realization flashed over his features as his mouth fell open. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. " and Talon? Mates?" She nodded. "But...what? When? How?"

"We found out in Brezen," she whispered, struggling to get the truth out.

"Tell me everything."

She did. She told him exactly what had happened. He listened in silence, but his face stretched into a smile as her tale continued, until his eyes crinkled for the first time since returning to the keep.

She frowned. "You're not...mad?"

He barked a laugh and pulled her into yet another hug, wrapping himself around her. "Me?! Mad? Gods, no! I couldn't be happier—for you and for Talon."

The pressure in her chest lifted. Thank the gods for that! She'd never been one to worship Dragonwall's deities, but this time she gave them a silent prayer of thanks. She inhaled, smiling, happier than she expected. Reyr smelled like sea salt, like the ocean.

"Am I disturbing something? I can come back later, if you wish." Talon's smug tone came from the doorway.

She slowly pulled from Reyr's arms, a sheepish grin on her face.

"Oh, don't let me stop you. By all means, carry on." Talon smirked, eyes lingering over them.

"Talon." Reyr's eyes darted over his king, searching, assessing.

Talon stepped forward and covered the distance between them. "Glad to have you back, brother." He and Reyr threw their arms around each other, laughing.

"I couldn't let you manage everything on your own, could I? Where's the fun in that? We've got a fort to take back."

"That we do." Talon closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Reyr's.

Seeing it, Claire's heart bubbled over with happiness. Watching them—witnessing their bond of brotherhood. It reminded her exactly what she was fighting for.

"Claire told me," Reyr whispered, "about the mate bond." His hands were wrapped around Talon's biceps.

Talon chuckled and pulled his forehead away. "Of course she did." He threw her a feigned glare before turning his attention back to Reyr. "And? What have you to say about it?"

Reyr kept hold of Talon's arms and shook him—he actually shook him. "I should have seen it! I should have known. It's why you were"

"Extra?" she volunteered, lifting an eyebrow. "I think that's the word you're both looking for."

Talon glanced at her. "Extra?" Not quite understanding the meaning.

"Extremely extra." She couldn't help it. A thick laugh bubbled up from her chest. She crossed her arms and lifted her chin.

Talon turned back to Reyr. "You know what they say about hindsight. Clearer than a dragon's conscience. Isn't this how it generally goes with mate bonds?"

"Aye." Reyr glanced between them, shaking his head, obviously struggling to overcome his surprise at the unexpected. "You deserve this Talon. You deserve this more than anyone in the world. Both of you." He turned to her, taking her hands in his and bringing them to his lips. "I will always love you, Claire. But now I get to love you as my queen. It brings me...peace." A few of the lines on his face dissolved.

"Thank you, Reyr," she choked, doing her best to keep her tears in check. A knot loosened in her stomach. "It means a lot to hear that. I just wish I didn't have to leave so soon now that you're back."

"Leave?" Reyr's face clouded. His eyes darted between her and Talon. "And go where, pray tell?"

"She's going to train with the Sprites. We'll be announcing it at tonight's meeting, along with our mate bond. The others don't know yet, so I'd appreciate it if you keep quiet."

"Uh-huh..." Reyr's gaze narrowed. "And how long will she be gone?"

"I don't know," she answered for Talon. The uncertainty introduced new knots in her stomach. "I have a lot to learn, but there's not a lot of time."

Talon cleared his throat. "We will be busy retaking the fort. She will be safe with the Sprites. Ideally, she will stay until she learns what she needs to defeat Kane."

"Defeat...Kane?" Reyr tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I made a Promise," she whispered. She chewed on the chapped skin of her bottom lip—a habit that frequently kept her lips peeling.

"You've got to be kidding me." Reyr's expression transformed. This time he did look unhappy.

"Yes...That's essentially what I said when I found out—just last night, mind you." The force of Talon's gaze left her cheeks burning.

"So that's why Saffra..." Reyr trailed off, stroking his chin. "I thought her words were peculiar—that day when we discussed your dreams. She blundered. I knew she wouldn't look guilty without reason." He sighed and his hand ran through his hair. Again. "I suppose there's no getting out of it?"

Talon grumbled. "We all know how an Unbreakable Promise works, Reyr."

"All right then. But why the forest? Because of the Sprite Fire and your mark?"

"I'm part Sprite," she managed, offering him a half smile by way of apology for all he'd missed during his absence.

"I see. I suppose that makes sense. And who are you sending her with, Talon?"

"Koldis. And a few pairs from the fort."

"Koldis?!" Reyr frowned.

This was news for her, too.

Reyr crossed his arms. "Why not me?"

Talon hesitated. "I can send you instead, if you prefer it? You've only just returned, but if you would rather..."

Claire's eyes widened. The idea of spending more time with Reyr left her warm, almost giddy. But it was Talon's response that surprised her most. When she'd first arrived in Dragonwall, he'd been jealous of her relationship with Reyr, of the easiness they shared. All those times he saw them together, arms linked, laughing. All those times Reyr had escorted her to dinner....

But that jealousy no longer existed.

Reyr was quiet, perhaps mulling over the idea. He sighed and said, "I want to protect her, but you're right. We're at war. There are plans to make. The fort must be retaken. We cannot leave Squall's End under the rule of those beasts." Reyr glanced at her. "Will you be okay with Koldis?" She nodded, hoping to ease his doubt. His gaze lingered over her a moment longer before he turned to Talon. "Why not Verath? Wouldn't he be more adept for a journey like this?"

"Verath is busy training a potential new Shield."

"A potential new...WHAT?!" Reyr's shout made her jump. "When did this happen?"

"You have missed a great deal. And you have been missed a great deal more than that. If you'll wait for me in my study, I will happily fill you in on everything. But first, I'd like a moment alone with my mate."

Talon's smoldering glance left her heart racing.

"As you wish, my king." Reyr bowed his head. "Sounds like I'm in for one hell of a story. Well, Claire, this is where I leave you." He engulfed her in another embrace. "I couldn't be happier for you," he whispered. "You've come a long way from the frightened woman I found standing over Cyrus this." He pulled away to look down at her, grinning. Talon cleared his throat. Reyr chuckled. "That's my cue. I'll see you later," he added with a wink. Then he kissed her forehead and let her go, offering Talon a two-fingered salute and a crooked smile before disappearing through the nearby doorway.

Silence followed in his wake. Talon turned to face her. His lips pulled up at the corners. "Couldn't wait, huh?"

"I didn't think it was right for him to hear it in front of the others."

She twisted her fingers together. Had she done the right thing in going against Talon's wishes? She'd promised him, after all. It was different than what had happened with Desaree, who had all but discovered the secret on her own.

Talon moved over and lifted her chin, planting a kiss on her lips. "You did the right thing, dear heart. He deserved to know." Her stomach fluttered.

She huffed. "Our...our closeness doesn't bother you? Me and Reyr?"

He snorted. "Not in the slightest. I love you both a great deal."

Fire shot through her veins. He loved her? She blinked up at him, stunned. He'd never said the L-word. But she supposed it made sense. They were mates. Why wouldn't he? Part of her wanted to say it back, but she couldn't summon the courage. Not yet. Only when the time was right.

He rubbed his nose against hers bringing a giggle to her lips. "Now, don't you have some packing to do?"

"Oh. Yes."

"Good. I'll see you at the meal tonight." He copied Reyr's actions, kissing her forehead and offering her a two finger salute before departing through the door that lead to his study. She stared after him a long while, gazing at the closed door, wondering what they would talk about, absorbing everything they had already discussed.

Part of her wanted to be in there with both of them. To soak up as much time as possible in their presence. But she forced the idea away. At least she'd finally gotten to apologize—to make things right between them. This time when they parted, there would be no negative feelings. The thought made her smile. Gods, how things had changed! 


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