Chapter 49 - The Start of a New Adventure
Kastali Dun
Claire flopped from one side to the other, sighing into the darkness. She fussed with the blankets, adjusting them before kicking them away. Cold and then hot. She'd never get any sleep at this rate. How could she? With everything weighing on her. Everything that was coming. Immense pressure gripped her chest with an iron fist. Or was it heartburn from the pot roast they'd had at dinner?
Her secret was out. Everyone in Talon's circle knew what she was destined to face. She could hide no longer.
"Are you asleep?"
That voice! She'd never tire of it.
"If I was, I'm not anymore." Her answer was followed by a gentle tap at her chamber door. She sat up, listening. "Is that you?"
"It's me." A shaft of light filled her bedroom. Talon's figure stood framed in the doorway, filling it entirely. A dark silhouette against the light beyond. Desaree must have forgotten to put out the sconces.
Talon crept in and shut the door behind him. There was a brief darkness followed by the glow of an orb. It cast her room into light and shadow. He was dressed more casually than she was used to. Barefoot, a pair of pants that ended below his knees, and a billowing long-sleeved tunic. A deep V showed a generous sliver of his scarred chest.
"It's the middle of the night," she whispered.
"I know." He gazed back at her. He watched her unblinking, as if she might disappear at any moment. "Desaree was sleeping on the sofa. I did my best not to wake her."
A pang of fondness made her chest tighten. "She wanted to be here in case..." A lump formed in her throat. "In case I needed anything tonight."
The truth was, Desaree was crestfallen. It seemed Claire had only just come back, and now she was going away yet again. Somewhere Des could not follow.
Talon nodded. He still hadn't moved. She tilted her head. "Do you want to join me? I haven't been able to sleep." Without waiting for an answer, she scooted over and pulled the covers away.
"I do." He climbed in beside her and pulled her against his chest. She found a comfortable spot in the crook of his shoulder before tangling her limbs over him. Perhaps if they knotted their bodies together, she wouldn't have to leave in the morning.
Heat erupted as she pushed herself against him, lining her curves with his. A sigh left her chest.
Talon's orb disappeared, casting them into darkness. "I couldn't stop thinking about you," he said. "That you should be here sleeping alone, when I might soak up every last moment with you." There was a thick reluctance in his voice.
"That's...sweet, Talon." She smiled against his chest, inhaling deeply. No matter how long she was gone, she would never forget his scent. "Salt and smoke," she murmured. "That's what you smell like."
He let out a soft snort. "Is that so? I didn't realize."
"I like it," she clarified. "It's what I want to keep with me while I'm away. If I could infuse it into a candle, I would. I'd burn it every day."
He exhaled. "I'm not sure Sprites take kindly to flames in their forest." She got the distinct impression he was smiling. "Trees and all that..."
"You're probably right. Then perhaps a perfume. The Essence of Talon."
Another snort. Louder this time. "I like it." He kissed her forehead.
She sighed and fell quiet, snuggling deeper against him. Even with him here, it was hard to chase away the thoughts weighing on her. "I'm...scared, Talon."
He snorted. "You? Scared?"
She slapped his chest. "Come on. I'm being serious."
"I know..." He didn't speak for a while. "I was beginning to think you feared nothing." A soft tut escaped her lips at that. "It's true. You left your home behind. You have protected this kingdom at every opportunity. You defeated Kane's Vodar. You even faced me on multiple occasions, without a trace of fear in your eyes."
"Why should I fear you?"
"Why indeed!"
"Besides, this is Kane we're talking about," she said.
"And you're going to meet him in the forest?"
" But I must learn everything I need while I'm there. What if it isn't enough?"
He sighed, his breath rustling her hair. "It is okay to be afraid, Claire. Without fear, there would be no barrier to cross. Everything you want is waiting on the other side. You just have to...step over it."
"Hmm." She considered this. "I never thought about it that way."
He kissed her forehead again, running his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp. She almost groaned as something deep in her curled, setting everything on fire.
"Sleep now, dear heart." She loved that he had started calling her that. "I will stay with you until morning. I will always be with you. Even when I cannot be physically. Right here." He squirmed his hand between them and poked her heart. She giggled and rubbed herself against him, probably not the best idea. He took to caressing her back in lazy circles, the warmth of his palm calming her frazzled nerves. He did this until she fell asleep against him, and perhaps even afterward.
She woke the following morning to Talon kissing her with soft murmurs of good morning as he detangled himself. This was as it was meant to be. She saw then what their life could be like together. Waking up like this every day. She wanted it more than she'd ever wanted anything.
Gray light spilled into her room, casting everything in fuzzy outlines. She tensed, holding him for just a moment longer, before letting him go. He got up to stand beside the bed. "I'll let you get ready," he said, "and see you when it's time to depart." She nodded and watched him go, trying to force back the longing at his disappearance.
Desaree didn't say a word at having seen him depart. She helped Claire dress in travel clothes before handing over her fully loaded Osprey backpack. Her pack had been a constant travel companion since coming to Dragonwall. It brought with it a reminder of where she'd come from. Cyrus's sword was strapped to the back. She caressed its hilt, fondly thinking of him before shouldering the pack.
"I know you're not hungry," Desaree said, "so there's breakfast-to-go wrapped in paper. It's at the top there. Complements of Thomas in the cookery."
She smiled. "Des, have I told you how amazing you are?" Her voice was thick. "If I haven't, then you're amazing. So amazing. I'm going to miss you so much." Tears blurred her eyes.
Desaree's smile was slow and sad. "Just go already, so that you can come back. I'm not sure I can take much more of these sudden disappearances."
"I know." She sighed, taking Desaree's hands. "Promise me you'll work things out with Verath?"
Desaree opened and closed her mouth. "I will...try."
"He loves you, Des. And you deserve to be happy." At this, Desaree nodded.
"Oh, and one more thing!" She told Desaree about her promise to Lady Tamara, who would surely be arriving in the capital any day now. "She's going to need a few friends when she gets here. Plus, I promised to show her around." Desaree was more than happy to agree, and promised to take good care of her new friend.
A knock sounded, followed by Koldis as he popped his head through the door. Seeing that she was ready, he strode into the main room. "Ready for our next adventure, Claire? Sorry you can't come, Des."
Claire hid her smile. Had everyone taken to using Desaree's nickname?
Desaree rolled her eyes. "Gods, Lord Koldis, you have far too much energy at this hour."
"So I do!" He shrugged. "Day's-a-wasting. Can't chase the sunrise if it beats us to the horizon."
Dragons and their sayings!
They followed Koldis out and down to the lowest courtyard of the keep. A group had assembled. Not only Talon, Saffra and Jocelyn, but all of the king's Shields, and even Dallin. "Training at dawn," Dallin offered by way of explanation, wincing and pointing at Verath, who stood silent beside him.
Pressure built inside her chest. She hated goodbyes, especially when she couldn't promise how long she'd be gone. One at a time, she gave each of them a hug and heartfelt farewell, fighting against the tears filling her eyes. She lingered over Desaree and Saffra the longest.
Talon was the last to step forward. "I'll be following you to the fort, but I'll take my leave from there." She nodded. He pulled her into a fierce embrace, lifting her from the ground. "I need not tell you be careful. Koldis will look after you, but you must remain vigilant. Trust your instincts. They've proven impeccable on every occasion."
"I will," she said as he set her down.
There was so much else she wanted to say, but if she said anything else, all the tears in her eyes would start falling. Instead, she took his scarred face in her hands and pulled him into a deep kiss, showing him exactly how she felt. Letting her tongue caress his, until a groan built in his chest. Someone whistled, long and low. Probably stupid Koldis. She didn't care that passion and fire swirled around them. That everyone saw it. Talon sighed and pulled away.
"Goodbye," she whispered, caressing his face one last time before turning to follow Koldis.
Koldis transformed, and she found the familiar harness strapped where his wing joints met his neck. She strapped everything in and got into place. Then she turned and waved a final goodbye to everyone.
When he sprang from the ground, Talon followed them into the sky. She watched his hulking black form beside her. He returned her gaze, watching her with his saucer-sized eyes. She wished more than ever it was his back and his scales that she was touching. Wishing their minds could meld one last time.
An emptiness opened inside of her. A part of her that was missing. For the first time since discovering their mate bond, her longing for him went beyond words. The incomplete bond made a hole in her chest. A raw hole that chafed.
A few minutes later, the fort came into view. With it, a full wing of Drengr rose to greet them in the sky. They fell into a V formation around her, with Koldis at the point.
Talon gave a mighty roar, shattering the heavens. She heard everything in it—everything that she felt. She clutched a hand over her chest, trying to breathe, to keep from crying. But the tears came anyway.
A moment later, his voice was in her mind. "I will miss you more than a dragon misses the sky. More than the sun misses the horizon. More than the moon misses the stars." She gasped, forcing back a sob. "Hurry back to me, dear heart. Please...hurry back to me." And then he was flying away, banking on his wingtip to return to the city. She watched over her shoulder until he turned into a speck and disappeared among the city walls. Only then did she slap her hand over her mouth to quiet her sobs.
"It wasn't easy for him to say goodbye like that." Koldis said in her mind. "Letting you go. Frankly, I'm surprised he allowed it."
She took a staggering breath. "Me...too. And for the record, this isn't easy for me, either."
"I know." Koldis hesitated. "But what's done is done. Let's not dwell. After all, we've got an adventure before us! The sky at our wingtips. The land beneath our claws. Let us make the most of it."
She smiled. "I'm glad you're with me, Koldis."
"I am too. Imagine the trouble we'll get into. Those Sprites have no idea what's coming."
She laughed and a weight lifted from her chest. "Oh, I think they know."
"Soon enough, yes. If we make haste, we should reach the forest in four or five days."
And what would they find when they did? What magic would she unlock within herself? What power lay dormant, waiting to break free? The possibilities were thrilling. Endless, even. She would miss Talon—oh yes. She already did. She felt the mate bond tighten between them with each flap of Koldis's wings. But nervous excitement built in the pit of her stomach, rising up, up, up. She was meant to do this, to take this road, this journey. It felt right.
A wing of twenty pairs stretched out behind them. Her protectors. Her companions. She closed her eyes and inhaled, detecting a faint scent of pine and flower blossoms. Scents from the Gable Forest riding the wind currents, calling to her, beckoning her home.
The dawn was crisp. Full of promise. Just like the tip of the sun as it peeked up from the horizon. It drenched Dragonwall with daring ease, calling her to action. Beckoning her into the unknown. This was the start of a new adventure, a new journey. One she was ready to take. So she stretched her arms wide and leaned her head back, smiling upward, and embraced the sky.
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