Rules for Freshmen no.1: Don't think about contradicting P'Waugh*
*P'Waugh is the "hazing team" in Thai. When the freshmen entered the department, P'Waugh has the responsibility of training them. It helps them perform activities well and be loyal to the university.
Editor: Angelica + Shaziya
" You guys just can shout like that , Shout louder!!"
Scolding is hard as the jailers are scolding their prisoners. However, the "prisoners" are not really in prison. Instead, they're in front of the cheer room of the Engineering department with the juniors who are standing in front of freshman giving them chilly stares.
Specially "Arthit", the man has an arrogant face with a fierce looking eyes. He is the leader of the hazing team, who can scold any guy for answering him softly, but even if they answer him loud enough, he still pretends not to hear anything
Why? Are you curious about it? It is the right of P'Waugh. It has been relayed from previous generations. The hazing team will apply all on them and everything that is happening now is just the beginning. The real deal would be difficult than this.
P'Waugh kept their cold face and repeated their question
" I'll ask again. How many of you are there in your class?"
Whole room became silent, as Arthit predicted.
The young students began to study here only 2 days ago. Who could remember all of their friends or how many students were there in the class so soon? Plus, the Engineering department is the faculty which has the most students in the University. Doing any math exercise is easier than answering the question being asked.
Now, the seniors completly obtained their goal when they bring pressure on all freshmans.
....Who said that the seniors of Engineering department have to be so barbaric? It's not necessary to speak improperly, because they are student at the unviersity, they don't need to use such lowly tactics. Futhermore, if the teacher keeps an eye on them, it would be troublesome. So, the rules for P'Waugh were that they need to speak improperly, but now their so called "speaking improperly" is slowly becoming intimidating
"No one can answer my question? It means that no one cares for their friends? It's the reason why no one remembers how many of you are in your class!"
Head of P'Waugh walked slowly around the room as he shows his power to intimidate the freshmans. He observes their faces, they seem to be affair ,some are in the verge of crying . It means that his method is effective.
....Actually he is not a mean guy or a psychotic man who likes to look at someone cry. It's just his duty , when he sees young girls cry ,specially a pretty one, he really wants to hug and console them immediately. But he is obligated to keep a fierce face and chill looking stare. At that time , having a young guy give his handkerchief to young girl who is crying beside him. She takes it and smile.
...Oh... So sweet!! Is that guy not aware of The Head of P'Waugh? He is still standing right there, but that young guy is not afraid any further, he is picking on a girl. He chose a young girl that he liked, he is going to ask her for her number but everything went downhil for him because that freshman beaten him to it.
That young man....He wants to show how handsome he is??...Okay... If he wants to show it....He will give him a chance.
" You over there , stand up!!!"
He howled to the guy who was the owner of handkerchief , it made the girl beside him startled, she looked towards him with a worried face ,because the man who called him is head P'Waugh. However, that young man didnt think that it was a big problem, he stands up showing his full height , it made the other man startled. Although the leader of P'Waugh thought that he's pretty tall with 1m78, this kid is taller than him almost 10cm. His thick eyebrows and his good looking face, it radiated an aura that covered up the rest of the guys in the room.
His feet is really itchy, and it doubled when he saw his disapproving eyes. Alright, he will teach that freshman a good lesson as he is manlier than all guys of P'Waugh.
"Say your name and code number clearly!"
"My name is Kongpob and my code number is 0062"
"Tell me, how many of you are there in your class?!"
" I don't know, I've never counted."
Not only were his eyebrows raised up, but his hands also slowly took the shape of a fist as he wanted to rush at him immediately to give his handsome face a punch.
....You are really pissing me off... His answer certainly didn't satisfy his question.
If Arthit meets a guy like him outside the school, he would call his friends to beat him. But now, he is standing in the middle of the cheer room. He doesn't let anything affect him. He is still the senior, he always keeps calm with anything that's happened.
Arthit tried to hide his anger , he started giving orders with a strict voice.
" Even if you've never counted, that is an information that you should already know. Also, you have to answer all my questions. Do you understand?"
"I understand."
Arthit extracted a necklace out from his pockets. It looks like a gear that is painted over by a brown color. He raised it in front of Kongpob's face and asked
"Do you see this gear?"
"Yes, I see it."
"This gear is a symbol for the whole class. It represents the pride of an engineer. It does not belong to just any individual person. If you can't prove that you deserve to have it, get out of here!! Then from now on, I won't accept you as my junior."
The last part of what he said doesn't seem to affect the young man. Just having the freshmans start being tumultuous, seeing that giving gears depends on the third year students, P'Waugh.
If the freshmans behaves well and join all activies, they can easily take the gear. On the other hand, if they don't, they can't pass the test. Futhermore, they will be re-training, It is really a nightmare. Or if they don't evolve, the whole class of that year won't receive a gear.
It is not a joke, the seniors are serious. The young students knows that the whole class of the previous year didn't receive the gear. At this time, some of their faces started to become pale as they almost fainted. A smile appeared on his face before he returned towards the young guy who started to worry.
"Now let me know. If I don't give you this gear, what are you going to do?"
The head of P'Waugh finished his words with an arrogant face , he can seem to predict what that haughty young man is going to say, it's "I don't know" again. And when that happens, he will punish him to let him know that he is just a freshman.
......You should know who is boss in here!! Let's see how haughty he is.
The winner returned to his place as he was ready to give him the punishment without hearing the answer. But before he steps up, he heard a voice that made him almost fall backwards.
"I'll have to take it from you."
He returned immediately as he could not believe what he had heard.
....What the heck?...Did he hear wrong?...
"What did you say?"
Arthit asked again, He looked straight towards the unruffled face. His eyes stared towards him before he said any more.
"If you don't give it to us, we'll have to take it from you."
He said, as he is not afraid of anything, it made the whole room tumultuous again. Especially the head of P'Waugh, his eyes relaxed more after that young guy dare to say like that to the head of P'Waugh. It's like someone striked him in the face with their shoe.
His hand wringed strictly. He stepped in front of him, grabbed his collar and howled.
"Then say it again!!! Do you think that you can take it from me?"
"I can."
" How could you take it?"
"I have to make you be my wife."
...... The whole room becomes silent.
A large hand held the hand that was grabing his collar. The eyes of the young man looked straight towards him who was frozen after he heard his answer. He explained more:
"They said, everything that belongs to their lover, belongs to them too. If I make you be my wife, your gear will be my gear"
Arthit quickly retrieved his collar out and tried to come up with a mean return. But the only thing was that the rest of room was filled with cheering and whistling of everyone in cheer room. Even his friends, the third year students, they looked like they enjoyed the words that the young man had said. A moment later, that man started to be worried about the head of P'Waugh who had just beared a big attack.
The order of the head of P'Waugh finally made people calm down . He used all of his angry looks towards the face of the young man who dared piss him off.
....Arthit wondered if the freshman was serious or not. Because it wasn't obvious if he was gay or if he liked men. But a little thing like that can't make him give up. He wanted to make him be his wife. Alright, let him try. Arthit, who is a straight man, would never have any of those feelings for another man. If he dared to have challenged him, he will accept the challenge.
"Fine. I will see if you can do as you said or not. But for now, the gear is mine, and I have the right to punish you"
A smile grew upon his face before he gave the other man his punishment.
"Kongpob, code number 0062, put your hands behind your head, stand up and down 200 times !! Start now!!"
"Yes, sir."
The young man who was punished is not dissatisfied with the given punishment. A smile slowly drew on his face. His answer had not caused any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he seemed to like the given punishment. He stepped in front of the cheer room and started his punishment.
Arthit was standing and watching this as he tried to hide his anger with a face filled with content
...... The freshmen wanted to make head of P'Waugh be his wife? Is he dreaming? Don't look down on the war of the gear!!!!
.....Let see who will be who's wife in the end....
.....Between "The Head of P'Waugh" and " Mr. First Year"...
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