Rules for Freshmen No.2: You have to answer all questions asked by P'Waugh

Editor: Angelica +Shaziya


"Who said you can raise your heads up? Bow down!!"

Don't misunderstand.....This isn't some kind of a military training, but it came with good intentions from the head of the hazing team - Arthit. He just wanted the freshmen to receive complete Vitamin D from the noon sun.

That's right. In the middle of the football field, under the sun, their faces looks like as if they're about to burn. They are soaked with sweat and their skins turn dark. But Arthit still has to stand straight as he tries to hide how uncomfortable he feels. He can't let them see how the sun affects him. He has to show them that he is superior to them. The freshmens were sitting on the field because of one reason.

" What time did we tell you guys to gather here?"

The soft thin voice of the freshmen were like a swarm of bees. It made the head of the hazing team change his tone. His shout echoed across the field.

"Speak louder! What time did we tell you guys to gather here?"

" At noon."

These were all things they had to do. Didn't they like it when he was soft with them? Did they have to compel him to shout like this when his throat is starting to hurt? The field is really large. It's different from the cheer room where his voice carried across easier.

Didn't the young students know that the hazing team have to drink honey mixed with lime whenever they come back home, but the market ran out of lime that day? However, they have to bear with the pain as they have to show their spirits without using the microphone for the freshmen to see. Especially for Arthit, as the head of the hazing team, he has a responsibility to speak the most.

Arthit cleared his throat before he asked another question:

"So, do you guys know what time it is now?"

There were some whispers from the freshmen. It made Arthit feel annoyed. He had to stop them immediately before he had to shout again.

"Enough!! Stop whispering. Now, let me tell you guys!!! The time now is 12:18 PM. All of you are late! You guys made us wait. Don't you think that this is our duty? Do you not have any sense of responsibility? Or did you just not bring them here for me ?

Arthit glanced at the freshmen, they were still sitting on the ground without moving. The freshmens were all quiet after hearing Arthit shout. But he wanted them to know that this is still the easy part. The hard part would begin immediately.

" Alright, since this is your first time, I will give you guys a chance."

His decision is like a prisoner that's amnestied from the death penalty. It made all the young students feel better. But before they relaxed completely, the head of the hazing team started to speak once again.

" But I will randomly choose one of you guys. That individual must be able to answer my question. If he can't, all you guys will be punished!"

That light has just only turned on. After that, It immediately turned off. It feels like someone slapped your face, then turned around to console you, but in the end, they kicked your ass one more time.

Even if the whole class tries to answer the question, it does not make the Head of hazing team feel satisfies . Then, did they have to put all their faith in one person? It seems like like they are getting a ticket straight to hell.

However, the most important thing was that the guy who would be chosen was really unlucky as his hands holds the lives of the whole class now. Because if he cannot answer the question asked, not only him, but the whole class would be punished for his mistakes.

Arthit certainly knows it. It's the reason why he set that rule. And the guy who he will choose is standing in the center of the room. The punishment was prepared for him only.

" Code number 0062, Stand up. Step to the front!!"

The guy who was called on stood up immediately and steped out as he was asked to do. Even if his friends wanted to help him, they could not as it would be useless. They had to keep their heads down and therefore could not have any eye contact.

Haha..... All that ends well is well. But this was just happen only one day later , he should forget the young man who dared to contradict him and reduce his honor.

Actually, he wanted to call his friends and teach him a 'tough' lesson, but It would be too violent for him. He must change his plan and choose another punishment for that young man. He wanted to punish him with as many witnesses as possible. However, he did not want the punishment to have any physical complications. Also, to take care of a smart guy like him, he decided to use a method that is harder and would help reduce his anger.

Arthit makes a sly smile as he praises himself for thinking of the perfect plan that he has in mind. He passed by Kongpob-0062 who is standing and waiting for the questioned to be asked. Actually, he had prepared the question before, so his only job now should be to ask the question. Arthit asked him the following with a sharp voice.

" Yesterday, I asked how many of you guys there was in your class, do you remember?"

" I remember. The total of the Engineering department is 1,178 students, and having 216 students from the industrial engineering department "

His answer made Arthit stunned. He thought that the kid couldn't remember the exact number of the total amount of freshmen. But instead, this guy even remembered the exact number of students enrolled in the industrial engineering department.

Wow...That kid is not easy as he thought. He had underestimated him. But don't think that he will give up at this time. His plan has just begun.

"Good, but thats not my question. I want you to refresh your memory. Now, look around you and count the number of freshmen in here aloud"

The man who was ordered turn his back and began to count loudly, one by one. The Head of hazing team was listening, he was sure that all the freshmen were not present in here. When he counted the last person, the number would surprise him.

"The total is 162 students"

"So, how many students are missing from your class?"

"54 students"

He calculated so quickly, it's a good quality for an engineering student to posess.

Arthit nodded then got straight to the issue.

"This is my question for you..."

He turned around and looked straight into the eyes of that young man who was looking at him without cringing before he showed a fake smile. He asked the question, which then stunned everyone:

"I want to know where the 54 students from the class are?"


No answer was given....

Right....Even if he was a genius like Einstein, he couldn't know where 54 students in the class was

Actually, for the freshmen of the industrial engineering department, all of them were not required to join the training. But if they don't, the ones who attended had to ensure to avoid mistakes at all costs.This was a way of forcing them to join as no one wanted their friends to be punished because of them.

For that reason, everything they do, they get punished for. He just wanted to punish him as show that punishment .Plus, he wanted to discipline him since he dared to do that with him yesterday.How was it? His mouth completely shut.

Haha, How was it? He pissed off the wrong person. That young man doesnt know enough about the head of the hazing team. Now, pepare to be scoled by his friends.

Arthit displayed a smile of a winner, but nothing made him satisfied. He turned towards the freshman and shouted loudly to make that young man be ashamed.

" Raise your heads up and look at your friend!!!!!! He can't answer my question.For this reason , all you guys will be punis....."

"They're not absent"

Voice interrupted his words, Arthit turned around to find source of that voice before asking again.

"Say it again?"

"54 students, they aren't absent!"

His anwer made everyone startled. For listener, he couldn't belive that that kid dare say that

He really wanted to be punished? If he tries to be smart like that, he has to be taught a lesson.

....Fine...If you want, I will teach you a lesson....

"Open your eyes and look all your friends in here. Do you dare to say that no one is absent?"

He turned around hot field where freshmens were laying down and shouted. But that young man gave him an explanation that made everyone suprised.

"They really aren't absent, because their hearts are always in here. Even if their bodies isn't here, but they have sent their hearts in here"

What? What did he say? "They have sent their hearts in here"?

Ew! Isn't it too cheesy? Did he watch a lot of dramas? Did he think he was a main character from a Korean drama? Or is he just trying to help out his friends? But listen, It just made everything worse.

"Your friends is really nice. So hearts which they sent to you is enough to help you run 54 times around field?"

"No, they sent it to only me"

"Why did they send it to only you?"

" Because all my heart belongs to you."


Silence covered field.

The atmosphere suffuseda strange pink. Head of hazing team was flirted by a freshman in front of everyone. Plus, his words are so greasy , it would make anyone who hears it vomit.But at this time, Arthit doesn't feel like vomiting, he only feels very angry. He yelled the other man's name.



"Run 54 times around field!! START!!"

"Yes sir!!"

The man who was punished accept it easily, before he started run around field in font of eyes's admiration from his friends. They were thankful him for protecting them.


Arthit shouted the order loudly and turned around in his place. He didn't care how many eyes of freshmans are towards him, even if it is different from eyes towards Kongpob. His avenged plan backfired, now he had hated by freshman more.

....He not only couldn't accomplish his plan, but also be played by that cocky kid.

It made him become even more pissed off. He will wait for his turn...... Ai'Kongpob!!!!

The war of the gear , P'Waugh lost Freshmen 0-1

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