Rules for freshmen no.3: You have to follow order from hazing team
Tron : This chapter hasn't edit yet, so maybe it won't as good as previous chapters...I will update etited version later. If you're confused or don't understand anything,Please tell me!!!! Now, enjoy~~
"Tell me your name and your number code"
"PairPillin , number code 0744"
The person being asked was startled, but she still answered him with a shaky voice. Her big eyes was filled tear, she looks so faint as she needed to hug and protected.
How could a soft-hearted person like Arthit didn't feel sorry for that pretty girl? He softened his tone but he still had to keep his maners as Head of hazing team.
"What kind of help do you want from me?"
"U..Uhm..I....I want you to sign my book for me"
PairPillin offered a little book that was opened already , inside was filled signatures of the seniors with their number code. She just was following order that was given to all freshmens-"Signature campaign" : you have to get 1,000 signatures from the seniors. That was an activity couldn't be ignored.
Of course, Arthit is third year student, so he was asked for signatures by freshman. Specially, he was wearing shirt from workshop to cafeteria. Any fresman would turn their head back to look at him.
Usually no freshman dared to ask his signature. Specially when he was sitting with his friends who look like jailer from prison.But today,having a freshman came and asked their signature. She was a pretty girl with skin lightening and slim body, she was exactly type of girl that Arthit liked. She should receive special treament after all, so he decided to receive her book from her. But he didn't forget ask her something before signing.
"But before I sign on your book, you have to do something for me "
Don't even think that taking signature from them was a easy thing. They had to play more hard that made the kids knew that nothing obtained easily. If you want signature from P'Waugh, you have to display your own determination. There were many ways to display it, from something is most cute to most hard. It was not surpire when PairPillin's face was slowly pale , she asked with skaky lips.
"W...What do you want me to do?"
She started fear as she was going to be killed.
Arthit was not a mean guy, actually he had a soft heart , specially towards little kids and pretty girls. And PairPillin is one of them, so everything that he wanted from her was....
"You must should loudly 3 times " I like the very handsome P'Arthit" "
Once he gave order, his friends at the table started all tease him loudly .In other hand,PairPillin was afraid changed her expression to that of confusion .
Why war she staring at him? That punishment is lightest, she all was received a special favor from him. Why was she giving him a questionable look like that? Or you should change the punishment to kissing on his cheer??
"Hurry up, I have to continue eat. Don't make me upset!!"
The words urged her was filled with threatening intentions , it made her startled once again. Arthit could see discomfort on her face. There are a thousand of students from other deparment was in the cafeteria, if anyone suddenly shout , It will get attention of everyone in here.But when his eyes met threatening look from him, it was pressuring her more. She didn't have any choice but to confess her love....
"I like the very handsome P'Arthit!!! I like the very handsome P'Arthit!!! I like the very handsome P'Arthit!!!"
All his friends made sound loudly as they teased their cruel Head of hazing team. He wanted to smile widely because a girl had just confess her love for him. He answered gentlely
"Thank you for liking me, I will think of your love and to answer it , I should have your phone number, right?"
Everything seems like so smooth, but in the end, It was just a way to ask for her number.
Well...It would be stupid if he just let her go . If he didn't get know about her, It would be a shame. She came and expressed her feeling for him, he should give her a chance.
PairPillin didn't have chance to fight back.She just follow that was ordered. Finally he got her phone number easily as he returned her book with his signature ,he didn't forget to give her a wink when she left.It made PairPillin's face covered by red colour, she quickly came back to her group friend. Leaving Head of hazing team was teased by his friends.
"Dam, Ai'Arthit, you're so bad. You got her number"
"Of course, this is nothing for me"
He admitted it without intentions backing down....It was his special ability that couldn't be taught to anyone else.
"So are you interested in courting that young kid?"
One of his friend pointed to the back of table. He turned around to know that it made him interest or not. And he found it....It hit him hard.
Because that person leading the pack of freshman weren't anyone else, It's the person who dared to contradict him twice and made him shamed in front of everyone. He also was reason that Arthit was teased by other hazers. So he keep his angry in and sweared that he would get back at him one day.
Damn kid!!!!!!
"0062, Kongpob"
The person being called stopped what he was doing, turned around towards source of voice and he saw hazing team. He made "wai" to show his respect for them, specially for Head of hazing team who was staring at him with annoyed eyes. He asked him.
( wai: a form of greeting in Thai)
"Have you had my signature yet?"
"Not yet"
"Let me see your book"
Kongpob easily did what he asked. He opened his bag and took out a little book that used to get signature.
Wow!!! He sure did get a lot of signature. Just scanning through it he was sure there are about 500-600 signatures already...but wait....why there signatures looks so weird?Some of the name had digit number following their name and their code number....There are phone number, isn't it? There were ton of them. plus, they had some little notes with them.
< I'm single, If you feel lonely, call me...Kiss kiss na~~!!! >
Damn....Arthit knew how handsome and good looking he was , so the girls easily gave themselves to him. Unlike Arthit, he always use many stacics to get number of the girls ,and some girls don't want to give him their number.
Meh...Just like those Korean lead actor!!!!!!
Arthit really wanted to tear this book, but he had to keep that feeling in. he was in a public place,so it was most important thing. He took a deep breath to calm himself, before thinking a good plan then asked.
"You've gotten a lot of signatures, can you do something for me?"
"I can"
"Do you see the vacant table in front of grilled pork shop?
He pointed to the table that was about 5 tables away, it located in center of the cafeteria.
The person being asked nodded.
"I see"
"You come to that place, go up on the chair and shout loudly that....."
The sentence paussed. Arthit gave him a sly smile before continuing......
" I like to be "taken care" my ass by men"
After finish words,he could see Kongpob's face that was not different from the girl who had to confess her feeling for him. The only different thing was the words that he had to shout , it hit hard for self-esteem of man. But it wasn't enough for Arthit, he continued.
"Hold on, I'm not done. After shouting, you have to go down and ask 10 guys if they want to "take care" your ass, then turn around here, I will return your book"
The person being ordered looked at the book that was in his hand without uttering any word.Arthit knew that this kid's heart was filled with anger, but he couldn't do anything.This was an order from hazing team was thing that he had to follow unconditionally. The person being ordered didn't move , it made Arthit had to hurry him up.
"Why are you quiet? Go to do what I asked, unless you aren't brave enough ...."
His eyes eyed other man as if daring him. At that time, he made up his mind and came straight to that vacant table.He go up the table and shouted loudly.
Every single eyes all focused on the young man who just shouted shocked saying. And It was even more shocked when he go down, stepped towards the boys who was lining up to buy food and asked
" Would you want to "take care" of my ass ?"
The person being asked was shoked as he couldn't said any word....It also was happen to everyone in the cafeteria.
Just only one man was very sastisfied.
Hahahahaha. How was it?Didn't you want to pay attention?
The person being ordered had to shout so loud that the sound came out through the door .The girls would know that no matter how handsome he was , they couln't have him....because he was gay. He wasn't only gay, he also like to make love with men.
Arthit still remember that that young man wanted to make him be his wife, and he just use a same way to get back at him and let him know how is shame. He just returned all thing that that young man did for him, now he could know how was it.
You deserve it , Ai'Kongpob!!!
Arthit looked at the person just finshed to asking 10 guys, he turned back toward him.Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at him.
"I'm done"
"Uhmm, your voice is loud enough. Take your book!"
He threw the book back to the other person as he finshed his words. He returned to his friend group, then they put their plates away before going back to class. But before he came out, having a person who just received the book had stopped him.
"Hold on, you haven't sign my book yet"
Kongpob offered his book to the man he thought had fogotten.But Arthit didn't take it , he answered short.
" When did I say I would sign for you?"
The punishment that he just received hit him hard.
And now when he heard those words from him, it hit him more.
Because he remember he really didn't say about signing for him. Everything that he just did was like to come from his own intentions. He had fallen into the trap , but he even didn't releaze it.
"But...having one thing that I can help you"
Words's Arthit made him look up. He really was suprised when Arthit glabbed his necktie and pulled him closer. Arthit whisped to his ear.
"I'll help you stuff "it" into your ass" ( Oh my innocent Arthit TvT!!)
His necktie was released as a satisfied smile from Head of hazing team. He turned around and left the cateferia with a laugh as a winner.
The war of gear between "Head of hazing team" and "First Year"
Tied 1-1
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