Coffee, Rain,and sleep
3rd person POV
After they got changed, they agree to meet up at the coffee shop. Komada went to the coffee shop and waited for about 5 minutes he contemplated going to hajime instead until-"SORRY I'M LATE KOMADA-" hajime screeched "It's fine hinata, no need to worry" komada stated trying to reassure hajime it was fine. "We should probably go inside before it rains though" komada said "Ok.." hajime replied and so, they went inside the coffee shop it IMMEDIATELY started to rain heavly they ordered their coffee and sat down. "So.. How do we run away from rain" Komada joked, "Hm, not house is close by though , So let's just go to my house" hajime had said komada looked to side then suddenly remembered he brought an umbrella "I just remembered I brought an umbrella!" komada said in a happy tone "That's great!" and so they went off already finished their coffee ready to compete with the rain
They stepped outside and began to walk both of them under the safety of an umbrella komada was originally going to drop hajime off but then by the time they were a few steps away hajimes house.. Komadas umbrella broke. "Just great." komada sighed" Let's just run to my house! " hajime said just wanting to get inside so they wouldn't get sick "Alright then" komada spoke and so they ran into hajimes house.
Hajimes POV
I ran into my house dragging komada behind me as soon as we went inside I felt as if a pair of eyes we're on us, and there was chiaki. "Hey bro, who's this?are you guys dati-" "No chiaki we are just friends, Anyways were are the towels we got wet in the rain" I said trying to divert the subject to something else completely aware I probably looked like a tomato "how do you not know where the towels are-" chiaki tried to say," I ment if you could get them for us chiaki" I said cutting her off."oh, ok then" then she went off to get the towels. She came back with the towels and we dried ourselfs off, we then went to my room "we should change I'll give you some clothes and you can shower I'll go after you. " I said so we didn't have dirty rain water on ourselves komada replied with an" ok" I gave him some of my clothes and he went to shower.
Chiakis POV
Hajime brought this white haired guy into the house, I thought they were dating I'm starting to get suspicious though his face flushed red as soon as I tried to say that he cut me off. Then I heard water start to run from the bathroom, I don't care if their in it together as long as they don't make noise, no chiaki bad! Don't make assumptions! I mentally slapped myself in the face even I didn't think I could be that dirty minded. I heard the shower stop and I heard the door close again.Yup they are taking turns anyways.. I'm bored I'mma ask if that white haired guy wants to play Tetris.
Nagitos POV
I came out of the shower and changed in hinatas room after I came out a pink-more peachy haired girl went front of me, she then said "Hey white haired guy wanna play Tetris, I'm chiaki nanami by the way!" she yelled in a almost soft tone. "Sure, and I'm Nagito Komeada" "Ok, just so you know I'll win for sure!" nanami said confidence overflowing her voice " Alright then Nanami, your win won't be garenteed! " nanami shrugged it my comment off and so she set up Tetris and we played on the TV we tied almost every time other times we were only 1 point of from each other " Hey you guys what are you doing? " hinata said " Competitive Tetris" I said me and nanami were focused she won and I was just 1 point off. "It's 9:00 I've been watching you guys play for an hour we should get to bed y'know" I was still fired up from playing Tetris but agreed none the less. "Hey hajime remember we don't have spare mattress so Komeada is sleeping with you. Both me and hinatas faces went red I tried shrugging it off but thoughts just kept racing through my mind.
Hajimes POV
"L-lets just go to sleep cmon.. Don't make it awkward" I said trying to hide my obviously blushing face "Ok.." Komeada said his face was this light pink, it was adorable... W-what am I thinking.. Whatever.. We went to my room and I patted for him to go next to me he nodded and went next to me on my bed.It was awkward at first but then I hugged komeada, he was warm it made me feel comfortable, Komeada rapped his hands around me as well. Before we knew it we were both asleep.
Word count: 825
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